
Prepare Your Child for the Final Examinations

By Dickson Tumuramye In the journey of education career, each academic year presents a unique opportunity for our children to sow seeds of knowledge and reap the rewards of their hard work during the final exams. As we approach the crucial months from October to December, parents play a pivotal role in ensuring their child is well-prepared for this defining moment in their academic careers. Understanding the Stages of Preparation From Kindergarten to Primary seven, Senior one to Senior four, and Senior five to Senior six, each phase of education marks a progression towards higher learning and personal growth. The culmination of these stages is often marked by the final exams prepared by the Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB), which serve as a measure of a child's academic achievement and readiness for future endeavors. The journey you have been walking together is not yet over until UNEB releases results next year. The Bible says “The end of a matter is better than it

Alleviating Pressure on Children During Exam Season

By Dickson Tumuramye As we find ourselves amidst the hustle and bustle of another exam season, a question arises: are schools inadvertently putting too much pressure on our children? This concern is especially pertinent as schools gear up for the final UNEB examinations starting this month. Undoubtedly, these exams represent a crucial milestone in every student's academic journey, but how we approach this period can profoundly impact their well-being and long-term success. Understanding the Influence of Pressure Pressure, in moderation, can catalyze improvement, pushing individuals to strive for excellence. However, when it becomes overwhelming, it turns into a formidable adversary, potentially triggering mental health challenges and undermining academic performance. The signs are visible: children burdened with relentless study schedules, sacrificing weekends and personal time, often exhibit signs of fatigue and stress-induced lethargy. This isn't mere conjecture but a s

How Domestic Violence Affects Your Children

By Dickson Tumuramye The recent tragic incident involving Ugandan athlete Rebecca Cheptegai has once again brought to light the devastating impact of domestic violence, not only on women but also on children. Rebecca and her ex-boyfriend Dickson Ndiema lost their lives in a violent altercation, with Rebecca leaving behind two young daughters who are now orphans. This heartbreaking event underscores the profound and long-lasting consequences of domestic violence on children. Domestic violence manifests in various forms; physical, social, sexual, emotional, spiritual, and financial, cutting across all demographics regardless of age, status, education level, race, or ethnicity. It often occurs within intimate relationships such as couples, family members, or between boyfriends and girlfriends, wreaking havoc on marriages and destabilizing families. Emotional and Psychological Impact Children exposed to domestic violence experience a range of emotional and psychological traumas.

Pay Attention to Your Child’s Possession

By Dickson Tumuramye In the realm of parenting, one of the crucial aspects often overlooked is the scrutiny of what possessions our children acquire. Whether it's the clothes they wear, the gadgets they flaunt, or even the miscellaneous items they bring home, these belongings can speak volumes about their choices, influences, and even potential missteps. The Power of Choice and Influence As parents, we frequently buy items or entrust our children with money to purchase items they desire, be it trendy clothes for a function or the latest gadgets. However, this liberty of choice can sometimes lead to purchases that do not align with our family’s values or expectations. For instance, finding torn and distressed jeans branded “damage” instead of appropriate attire may leave us questioning our child’s judgment. This disconnect highlights the importance of imparting and reinforcing family values regarding responsible consumption and the appropriateness of choices. Signs B

Overpraising a child can be a silent killer

  By Dickson Tumuramye Parenting is an intricate dance of nurturing, guiding, and supporting our children through their journey of growth. One of the aspects that often gets overlooked is the manner in which we praise our children, particularly before their siblings or in public settings. While praise is typically seen as positive reinforcement, its execution can sometimes have unintended consequences, especially when it comes to children who may not excel academically or in other areas traditionally valued by society. Praise and Its Effects As parents, we naturally feel compelled to celebrate our children's victories, whether it's a marked improvement in grades, a stellar performance in a competition, or simply demonstrating a newfound skill. This act of praise serves not only as acknowledgment but also as motivation for our children to continue striving for excellence. However, the danger lies in how this praise is distributed among our children. Consider a scenario w

Understanding Your Child's Social Capital: A Pathway to Personal Growth

  By Dickson Tumuramye In the current societal landscape characterized by the emergence of individualism, the communal way of life is gradually diminishing. In such a setting, a child who is raised in a community that lacks openness to social networks and connections may encounter challenges in developing a robust social capital. Nevertheless, it is inherent in every individual to possess the ability to form friendships, whether through deliberate efforts or fortuitous encounters. Within the diverse fabric of our society, the friendships we cultivate are influenced by our immediate surroundings and shared interests. There exists a unique bond that draws individuals together, fostering the development of friendships. Consequently, it is a universal phenomenon for individuals to have companions, irrespective of their reputation or demeanor, as everyone tends to have a confidant or a follower. Therefore, it is imperative to ponder upon the question: "Are you acquainted with y

Talk to Your Children about Corruption

By Dickson Tumuramye In recent days, Uganda, like many countries, has grappled with a pervasive issue of corruption among its leaders. The media is inundated with reports of misused public funds, misuse of authority, and the subsequent legal battles that ensue our leaders. As parents, we might find ourselves discussing these issues in hushed tones, unsure of how to address them with our children. Yet, we must do so, for they are not shielded from these realities. They see the headlines, they hear the discussions, and inevitably, they have questions. Understanding corruption Imagine a scenario where our children witness leaders, once revered and entrusted with public office, being hauled before courts and incarcerated. They naturally question why such individuals, supposed role models, succumb to the lure of misusing public funds and resources. They ask if this behavior is acceptable or even normal. Corruption is not just a legal or political issue; it is a moral and societal disease. I