Mothered by the best: One Strand Gone

Fare thee well Aunt Hope The year was 1999. I was 15 years of age, in Form Three. Growing up, mine was a small world. I was the child trying to figure out life among adults. My mother parented me with the support of three bosom friends. That inner circle has remained a constant over my short years on earth so far. Aunt Hope (who my mother fondly called Muramukazi meaning sister-in-law), Aunt Diana (Mrs. Tibenderana) and Nalongo (Maama Pat). Theirs was the friendship that the writer of the book of Proverbs probably meant when he wrote that there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. I am yet to see a friendship so authentic, pure and royal. That fateful afternoon in 1999, Aunt Hope came to pick me from school. I was picked from class to go and receive my message from the Headmaster’s office. Abrupt messages from headteachers were usually not good news. Even as I dragged my feet to the Headmaster’s office, I wondered why of all students I had been singled out for...