Live a Principled Life!

By Dickson Tumuramye As the saying goes; choose many friends but trust a few. You need to be mindful of the people you accept anyhow in your life. Each one has something he/she needs from you. It is worse with ladies. Most men will pretend to be your very good friends yet they see you as a potential sexual object. There are other things that come along our way to divert from our vision and focus in life. It only takes you to be determined and not distracted from it. I like how Daniel refused to be defiled by just mere food from the king’s palace and instead opted for vegetables. And because of that, he was later appointed a leader of the Babylonians even when he was a Hebrew. But as they say that the devil will attack you from corners, Daniel’s friends (Meshach, Shadrack and Abednego) were being accused of disobeying the King’s decrees and were thrown into the furnace of fire (Daniel 3). But because they stood their ground and refused to bow to the god of Nebuchadnez...