Tame yourself and family from depression during this COVID-19 season.

By Dickson Tumuramye Unlike the usual school breaks/holidays, this one is terrible because children are confined in their homes. The guidelines are clear; no shaking hands, no hugs, no visits, no public gathering, social distancing at least four metres away from each other. All this has put a lot of questions around them. My children have endless questions "so dad why are you still working when we, are staying home? We hear people are dying, will we also all die? Who will bury us?...........! These are very sensitive and touching questions. You enter the house, they are ready with sanitizers and literally "force" you to wash your hands. The isolation at home with strict rules has made them resort to indoor games and watching TV for most of their time. This seems that for a longer time, they will not manage what they have not been used to. This is equally the same for adults. The government has closed most businesses, suspended public transport which obviou...