Teach Child Resistance Skills

By Dickson Tumuramye All children are vulnerable as they grow up. They face several challenges that range from kidnaps, sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, peer rejection, mental health issues, bullying, peer pressure, mistreatment, and harassment from fellow children and adults. It is worse for the girl child as they face a lot of abuse especially sexually from adults. Due to what all children experience, their environment seems unsafe for them. This does not matter whether a child is from a humble or rich background. They can all face such vulnerabilities in life from anyone at any time. This is the reason why as a parent you need to teach your child resistance skills. Child resistance skills refer to skills any child can learn and implement as and when they are interfaced with a challenge. They can protect themselves from very potentially dangerous or harmful people or situations. It is for their personal safety and well-being in times of need. You need to help your children...