The Boy child needs help too

By Dickson Tumuramye Men of Purpose mentorship programme during an entrepreneurship conference When a girl-child is growing, she receives a lot of counseling and guidance from her mother, aunties, elderly women, and peers among others. She well equipped with at least some knowledge of what to expect out of life and how to handle it. She is at least well prepared at almost every stage of her growth. At the time of marriage, the sengas are always present to advise and help her. The mother is usually in the background or at the forefront monitoring every step. Fellow ladies are fast to organize a bridal shower for her towards her wedding. And ultimately, she gets fitted out with all the necessary information regarding her life. From childhood to adulthood, this girl-child is well equipped with life skills and she knows how to ably handle life in all corners. She does not only attain formal education from school, but also informal education from the people in her li...