Prepare for retirement as you invest in your family
By Dickson Tumuramye It is well known that some people don’t prepare enough for retirement. They work so hard and give it all to their employers and businesses. Some people never even have time to go on leave or days - off. Even when they are given their 30 days’ leave, they prefer to remain in the office working. Some people work from Monday to Sunday throughout the year, with no days to rest. There is little time given to their families. They claim to be investing their children in material things, but hardly do they think of investing in their children. Parenting is a holistic process that needs your total availability in all aspects of life. The children you are claiming to be investing for today without being in their lives will grow up and have no time for you because there was no relationship with them. They only know you as their daddy / mummy who was too busy working for them. They may always remember to send you money in your old days, but you will never sit together around ...