
Showing posts from July, 2024

Understanding Your Child's Social Capital: A Pathway to Personal Growth

  By Dickson Tumuramye In the current societal landscape characterized by the emergence of individualism, the communal way of life is gradually diminishing. In such a setting, a child who is raised in a community that lacks openness to social networks and connections may encounter challenges in developing a robust social capital. Nevertheless, it is inherent in every individual to possess the ability to form friendships, whether through deliberate efforts or fortuitous encounters. Within the diverse fabric of our society, the friendships we cultivate are influenced by our immediate surroundings and shared interests. There exists a unique bond that draws individuals together, fostering the development of friendships. Consequently, it is a universal phenomenon for individuals to have companions, irrespective of their reputation or demeanor, as everyone tends to have a confidant or a follower. Therefore, it is imperative to ponder upon the question: "Are you acquainted with y

Talk to Your Children about Corruption

By Dickson Tumuramye In recent days, Uganda, like many countries, has grappled with a pervasive issue of corruption among its leaders. The media is inundated with reports of misused public funds, misuse of authority, and the subsequent legal battles that ensue our leaders. As parents, we might find ourselves discussing these issues in hushed tones, unsure of how to address them with our children. Yet, we must do so, for they are not shielded from these realities. They see the headlines, they hear the discussions, and inevitably, they have questions. Understanding corruption Imagine a scenario where our children witness leaders, once revered and entrusted with public office, being hauled before courts and incarcerated. They naturally question why such individuals, supposed role models, succumb to the lure of misusing public funds and resources. They ask if this behavior is acceptable or even normal. Corruption is not just a legal or political issue; it is a moral and societal disease. I

Evaluating and re-aligning your annual family set goals

  By Dickson Tumuramye As each new year unfolds, many of us embark on a journey of setting goals and resolutions to chart our course toward personal growth, career advancement, financial stability, or simply to improve our quality of life. It is a tradition rooted in the optimism that accompanies fresh beginnings, yet the reality often reveals a diverse landscape where some succeed triumphantly while others stumble along the way. The key to bridging this gap lies not only in the act of setting goals but also in the meticulous process of evaluating and re-aligning them as the year progresses. The importance of goal evaluation Why do we evaluate our goals? The reasons are manifold and crucial to our journey of self-improvement and accomplishment. Evaluation serves as a compass, allowing us to track our progress, celebrate our successes, and recalibrate our efforts where necessary. It provides a reflective pause amid life's frenetic pace, offering insights into what is working w