Divorce Is Real But You Can Avoid It
By Dickson Tumuramye

without choice about this “how can it be” a topic, I started asking them
questions (1) what is divorce? (2) how does it come about? (3) who is
vulnerable to divorce? (4) how should we distance ourselves from such so that
it may never cross our minds or happen in our marriages? I assure you before
the middle of the discussion, the reality of the matter started hitting us hard
as if some were already contemplating over it. By the time we finished the
fellowship, majority repented in ashes.
Now I
ask you as you read this article; have you ever thought about separating with
or divorcing your spouse? Did you ever know that as Christians, divorce in the
New Testament happens except for one circumstance and that is only adultery?
Matthew 5:32 “But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for
sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a
divorced woman commits adultery.” However, this only talks about divorcing your
wife and misses out on men. Yet we have instances these days where women are
also applying for divorce. Nonetheless, do you know that God hates divorce?
Malachi 2:16: “I hate divorce,” says the LORD God of Israel. “I hate it when
one of you does such a cruel thing to his wife.” Make sure that you do not
break your promise to be faithful to your wife.
are so many causes of divorce both internal and external. Usually the internal
ones vary from unfaithfulness, denial of or failure to meet conjugal rights,
insubordination, poor or no communication, disrespecting your husband (you know
husbands like respect like nothing), unresolved conflicts,
unavailability/absence of a spouse, telling lies, unrealistic expectations,
provocative talks, drunkenness, lack of intimacy, loss of love, lack of
cooperation/disunity name them. The external ones can include; influence of
in-laws from all sides, poverty, sicknesses, barrenness, loss of a job, peer
influence, unfaithful/adultery. There are other many more reasons some which
seem minor, but they make it uncomfortable between the couples to the extent of
partying ways.
from God that marriage is a life covenant between a husband and wife until
death sets them apart, the desire for every couple should be to live far away
from the imagination of divorce. The best way is to see how best we can live in
good harmony with each other as one flesh. To begin with, living according to
our vows for worse for better, in good health and sickness, in riches and
poverty till death sets us apart would can make us work out strategies of fulfilling
this. It is unfortunate that some churches shun such vows and they no longer
even mention them, as if there can be no challenges in marriage which can
result into divorce and I am not staying that making vows is automatic that you
can never divorce, but confession is possession.
time I reflect on my vows, I am reminded to work out my marriage with fear and
trembling as I work out my own salvation. There is strong power in marriage
vows. So how much value have you placed on the vows you swore to your spouse
before the face of your God and a big witness that day of your wedding? How
about the many promises you made during courtship and after wedding? How best
can we get back to our first love? How much have you sat down together to
resolve your issues? Have you sought God’s guidance in this? What is God
you run to court, have you sought help from bestman/matron, close friends,
parents, go-between, counselor, your pastor/Reverend? Have you exhausted all
options? Have you discussed your final decision to separate or divorce with
your children? Have they been involved in knowing what is happening without
being lured to your side in selfishness to support you? Have you thought about
their custody if you were to leave them with your ex-partner?
in the instances where your life is under danger and you are threatened day and
night to be killed, you have no option but to run for your life. You are better
off alive to take care of your children from a distance than leaving them
orphans. But where things can be settled, divorce may never be an option. Avoid
making any decision out of anger or any influence. The life you live is only
for you and your family after God.
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