Build your Personal Brand Well
Dickson Tumuramye
Anyone desires to live
a life that is admirable by others. Though some people like to live a private
life, there is still something that they would like the world to know about
them. In this world, we are like fruits on a shelf. We choose to be juicy and
fresh or raw and rotten in the eyes of those who pick us, said Amos Wekesa. I
relate Wekesa’s statement with your personal branding.
Personal branding is a way
of establishing and consistently reinforcing who you are and what you stand for
in your career and life. It is true people will always have their own way of
looking at us and judge. Each one of us can never be good or bad for everyone.
our style of living has a lot to do with our branding. The person who can sell
your worth and value is you. You know yourself better than anyone else knows
you. You are quite sure of your inner ability, strength, and weaknesses. In
case you don’t know, I advise to ask your friends to help you. They can tell
what strengths and weaknesses you have.
Building a brand for yourself
is a choice you have to make. An
effective brand strategy
gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets. You have to
market yourself in a way that will sell you to the outside. Ask yourself
whether you have a symbol or
design or a name that identifies and differentiates from others. Even
when you appear before an interview panel, the way you talk about yourself in
two minutes matters and can determine if you are worth the job offer or not. The
people you also associate with can sell you negatively or positively. As they
say, “tell me your friends and I tell you your character.” That means people
watch your associates and give you a brand. The type of friends you have may determine who
you will be known to be. The words that come out of your mouth have a lot to
say about you. If you are a person who looks at life with a negative attitude,
with only words of hopelessness, you will not attract good friends.
Think about the way you
market yourself. When you meet people casually
for a talk, talk nicely, talk business, be yourself, be confident. Avoid
putting yourself in a class that you are not. Always be a man/woman of truth
and integrity. The bible says that you will know the truth and it will set you
free (John 10:32). Don’t say much about yourself when you know that you are just
exaggerating. Aim at leaving a positive impression on the person who listens to
you. Where you can exchange your contacts, social media accounts, email
address. You may never know who one day will get back to you, depending on your
services/products. Market yourself as a brand, then your products and services.
All of this will have an impact on your lifestyle. Your lifestyle can become
your marketing tool.
Create your personal
branding statement that will be a catchphrase and will speak about you. This
helps you to quickly get an audience that will follow you. Your dress code
speaks a lot about you too. Your outside presence in public can give a summary
of what you are. I know you may say that do not judge a book by its cover. But
remember a bad looking cover may never attract your attention to check what is
inside. A nice looking cover will entice you to find out more about the book,
and that is you.
Make an effort to brand
yourself well in a way that advertises you as someone with great potential,
wisdom, man/woman of his/her word, pulling trust from your counterparts. Be your
own advocate and look forward to better opportunities all the time. If you
are dealing with products, make sure they have a name, logo, brand colors,
address among others. This adds value to your customers and you stand out in the competition.
The writer is a child advocate and parenting coach.
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