Every Child has a Dream – Nurture It!

Prim K. Tumuramye

Recently, I had a chat with my children aged six, five and three. I asked them what they would like to become in the future. My eldest son was the first to respond to my question, saying he wants to be a ‘digger man’ when he grows up. My second son was quick to say that he will be a ‘fixer man’ when he grows old like daddy. My three-year-old daughter came in last saying she wants to be a mother when she grows up. Digger man, fixer man or even mother, are not on the list of the most sought-after careers in Uganda today. I don’t even think they have ever been the enviable dream jobs anyone would pursue in quest for success.

‘So, what will you actually be doing in your said career roles? I asked them.

I will be digging in my garden, the digger man said! It’s then that it occurred to me that his job was farming, his tittle literally translated from one who digs. The fixer man elaborated that he will be fixing shoes. Probably he wanted to be a shoemaker or cobbler. My girl explained that she would be the mother of babies.

‘What kind of dreams and aspirations are these?’ I silently wondered. I reflected back on my childhood days. I remembered that we all wanted to become doctors, lawyers, pilots, engineers and all the ‘cool’ professions we can think of. Here I was with three little beings, dreaming to be farmers, shoemakers, and mothers.

Are my children destined for failure? Absolutely not! My children can work towards achieving their dreams of doing seemingly ‘uncool’ jobs yet live very happy and fulfilling lives. Imagine if my son was to become the best farmer in the world! Think about if the little boy who dreams of nothing but being a fixer man ended up as the best shoemaker the world ever witnessed. If this girl who dreams of being a mother became the best mother in the world, how different would her offsprings be? The world is not devoid of females who can give birth to children. Rather, the world is suffering from a hitherto crisis of females who are not ready to be mothers in the real sense of the word. That is why society continues to grapple with children living broken lives, feeling unloved and abandoned. I would be proud to mother the best mother the world is yet to witness.

We concluded our career talk with a review of the values that enhance success, irrespective of one’s vocation. I reminded my little ones about the virtues of stewardship, accountability, and integrity. As they scampered off to go and play in the afternoon sun, I smiled to myself, thinking about how lucky I was to be their mother. As they run, giggled and laughed in the sun, I said a silent prayer for them that God would indeed grant them the desires of their hearts.

It’s not only me that has children with dreams. Every human being has aspirations for tomorrow. Do you know your child’s dream? Do you know what they would wish to become in the future? What are you doing to help them walk the journey towards achieving their dream? Sometimes we are misled to think that the future is better left to fate. The future is in our hands. If we are to plan for the future well, we must invest our energies in preparing the people that will live in this future. Children are our future; let’s nurture their dreams.

                                                       ©Prim K. Tumuramye

Prim is a Christian, wife, mother and Communications Specialist at Compassion International. She is passionate about reading, writing, youth mentorship and intentional parenting. 



  1. In this fashion my friend Wesley Virgin's adventure begins in this SHOCKING and controversial VIDEO.

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