Dear parents, we should all try to love our own children help them because God is the one who wanted to see you happy with a child and that’s why God gave you children to love them, help them and also care about them.
We don’t have children of course. We pray to the Lord and even if we are too old to get a child, God promises you. You just have to trust God with all your heart like Sarah and her husband Abraham trusted God and got a child. Even if Sarah was 95 years old, she got a child and named him Isaac. God keeps his own promise and then a few days ago, he remembers that promise he made to you, and then that promise he said becomes a miracle.
So, I want all parents who have children and those who don’t have to just put your trust in God. And if you know you still want a child, God will help you get a child in your womb. So, I request all mothers to only put their trust in God who created man, the heavens, and earth, and we must help our children by not misleading them. You have to be good to your children because you are the mother who asked God for a child. So please all women with children, we don’t want you to mislead your children. What we want from you women is show love to your children, care for them, love them and try to help them.
Fathers, don’t live your wives to be the ones to take good care of your children alone. You should sit near your wife and help her take care of the child. Fathers don’t think your wives prayed for children and have to start taking care of them alone. You go near, sit together, and say how can I help our child? If your wife tells you, the husband, that you can help this way, if she says you can help like this, then you do it because the child is also yours. Don’t live your wives to take care of the young ones alone.
You go in and start helping to show you also love your child and women never say to God this; that I prayed to God for a child and he refused to give me a baby. Now since God refused, then let me curse Him. God will hear that and then notice that. Then at that point, you say that he will refuse to give you a child and even if he promised you, he still won’t give you a child. So never say that to God. If God promised you that child, he will fulfill it because God does not tell lies. He is a true God; his promises never fail. They are always true. Please, women, this is not a lie or a joke.
This is just true because my name is David and I am the one typing these words and it is true that I am born again and I am a man before God’s word and before God’s heart. I pray so women who want children you have to be like me because I am not a liar, I am a true boy, a true man, and a true son of God of heavens and earth. He does not like liars, he only likes people who tell the truth because a lie can kill you or punish you, and yet me, I don’t want to hear more people dying.

The writer is a P.2 child, passionate about writing, worship, and serving God.


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