Raising Leaders in our Homes

By Dickson Tumuramye

When our son was in kindergarten, he told us that he was a class monitor of the middle class, and before the end of the year; he made himself a head boy of their nursery section. When he was in P.1, he made himself a president in our home. During the 2021 general presidential elections in Uganda, his young brother contested that there must be a change of government because his brother had overstayed in power. They took long to agree because he claimed he was the firstborn and by default a president and an heir.  We later agreed amicably that they keep rotating after five years unless one doesn’t perform to the expectation of others and that’s how the Tumuramye government started.

We now have a president, vice president, and their sister the prime minister. Since 2021, there is a lot of good leadership in our house. The president gives us a weekly program. Some things are routine but at least there must be a unique activity. Since the first lockdown, we started family Sunday services and they are in charge of the entire program. We follow the church service order and out of this, Blessed Family Church and Blessed Family Band were born. As parents and part of the congregants, we are also given responsibilities of what to do the next Sunday.

We have seen our children develop soft skills including leadership, communication, critical thinking, decision making, negotiation, preaching, reading, praise, and worship among others. To enhance their skills, we give them the liberty to plan for family events like birthdays, anniversaries, outings, etc. Our major role is guidance and mentorship. We are not investing a lot of resources but we are seeing good results. This makes me agree that leaders are not just born but they are made and raised. There are many ways we can be intentional to do such things in our family. We are also able to identify who can do what. When we have visitors, we can’t miss asking them to lead praise and worship and prayers or give speeches. If given an opportunity to minister somewhere, at least we involve them to do something. We sometimes go with them on functions and we ask them to evaluate what they learned. We have told them that when they are in public and they are asking for volunteers to act, they should be the first to respond in a meaningful way. They should desist from being diffident.

We have learnt to be deliberate in ensuring that these children are leaders and held accountable even with very small things they do at home. We don’t miss to remind David, that there are certain things presidents must do and not. We have also taken them through different leaders in the bible and their legacy and other self-development activities.

It is a still journey we are treading without knowing what the future holds but one thing we are confident of is that the Lord who begun a good work in them will bring it to completion and He has very good plans for their future. God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can imagine or think of according to the power that works in us (Philippians 1:6, Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 3:20). We keep remembering King Solomon’s words that “train up a child in a way he should go and when he grows up, he will never depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). It is you the parent to show that way to your children. If we live an exemplary life and we walk the talk, our children will follow suit. Children are not good at listening to words but better at acting what they watch us do. To them, actions speak louder than words. That is why we must be very good role models to them. If your children cannot emulate anything from their parents, then there is a problem with the parents.

How are you raising the next generation that God mandated you within your house? What key aspects have you observed in your children and you are intentional in grooming them? What kind of a parent do your children know about you? What are you well-remembered of? What are family activities do you engage them in to ensure that even those who are not born as leaders are responsible enough to act independently under your guidance? What mentorship plans do you have for your children? Do you mind to know your children’s friends? Do you allow them to visit your home?

How to raise leaders of the next responsible and God-fearing generation is solely our responsibility as parents. We are the primary coaches in their lives. Start now; make them influential regardless of what level they are on now.

The writer is a child advocate, parenting coach, marriage counselor & founder of - Men of Purpose Mentorship Programme.

Email: tumudickson@gmail.com

Tel. contact: +256772851863


Dickson Tumuramye is also a motivational speaker on:

#Positive parenting

#Marriage and family

#Child counseling 

#Career guidance


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