Purpose to make this Easter special with your children

By Dickson Tumuramye

Some Christians have been in lent season, a time of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter Sunday. Easter is a festival in which Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life. It is such a short break that Christians utilize to celebrate such great commemoration. Unlike Christmas break which lasts for more days with a lot of merry-making and family engagements, Easter break lasts for only 3 days and it may end without your notice. However, Easter should be the most celebrated day more than Christmas because it marks the beginning of Christianity, especially after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and it gives a strong foundation for our faith. The bible says that Änd if Christ has not been raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your faith is useless (1Corinthians 15:14). Therefore, we need to help our children understand what Easter is, why we celebrate it and they should not be left home on Easter Sunday when others are going to church.

As fathers, we are the spiritual leaders of our families and it is us to make sure that our children enjoy this Easter break with others at home. It’s a time to share and remind each other, the reason why we celebrate it and this will make everyone appreciate why they need to be part of the family’s togetherness. It should be a moment for them to relax from the school environment and books and enjoy life with you as a family.

Participation in church activities

Some churches have Easter carols where children or youth are given an opportunity to minister, participate in music galas, lead services, or take readings and all of this makes a difference in their Christian walk. If there is any ministry opportunity at church or school, encourage your children to participate and take lead in some activities like praise and worship, playing instruments, preaching, taking readings, leading services, bible study, leading a fellowship or home cell, etc.

Bond with your children

Every celebration should be a moment families come together and share a lot including church services and having other engagements that create fun.  Such family celebrations have a great impact on bonding, shared joy, and relaxation. At least create some time in your busy schedule to celebrate with your family, take them out and give them a chance to explore different things, or stay home and have enough time together. You can decide to watch a good movie together, play that game you like, visit some family friends, go shopping, take a walk, or host your family friends too.  The whole point is it is also another time for merry-making and celebrations like we do on Christmas day. It is also a moment you should maximize to reflect on your children’s performance at school and give them the confidence to do better with the assurance of your support and love.

Explain the meaning of Easter to children/family

It is better you use this chance of celebration to explain what Easter means in the lives of Christians.  Apart from knowing that it is about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Easter also reminds us that we need to be Christ-like, repent our sins, live holy lives, and work out our salvation if we are to have eternal life. Paul writes that the wage of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). You can use it to preach to your children who have not yet accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. If you are a parent and you have not yet accepted Christ as your Savior, this too is your opportunity.

Engage children in preparing meals

Like any other celebration, we also look forward to having special meals over the Easter weekend. This Easter will be during the school holidays. Involve children to prepare the kind of meals the family is going to have. Let them plan for it, go shopping with them, and ask them what they would prefer to prepare during this festive season. Let them join their mum and any other person in the kitchen not only to do other domestic chores but also to cook that meal. Such skills are vital for them today and in the near future.

Give your children precious memories during this break that will make them long to be like you in love and care. Don’t be the kind of a parent who when they hear you knock on the door, every child runs to find where to hide.  Even if you are not a church person, you can still purpose to give the best to your children, make it a holiday for a family get together and have dinner/luncheon with all your children and/or grandchildren.


The writer is a child advocate, parenting coach, marriage counselor, and founder – Men of Purpose mentorship programme


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Dickson Tumuramye is also a motivational speaker on:

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