Don’t let your vacist relax at home anymore

By Dickson Tumuramye

I would like to congratulate the senior six (S.6) leavers for passing their exams. S.6 vacations are always the longest. The anxiety and uncertainty of waiting for exams are no more. It is a fact that your child will not repeat high school if s/he passed. Maybe the child has been at home and not doing much. They are now free to take advantage of the remaining time before they begin further studies. The goal should be to make them more productive and fruitful.

Finding a job or doing volunteer work this holiday is better than staying home and doing nothing. This will help them gain not only working experience but also provide them with the opportunity to develop key employability skills such as teamwork, office management, communication, customer care, problem-solving, negotiation, time management, and record keeping, which recruiters look for. It is also one of the greatest learning experiences. Your child can volunteer with organizations that accept them. Some organizations are good enough that they pay some small allowances like transportation, lunch, etc. That is better than nothing.

Send your child to a work placement, which will provide him or her with a competitive advantage when applying for jobs or conducting interviews. Your child may stand a better chance of gaining work experience and acquiring skills. The child may also be inspired by a future career direction. This can also be a life-changing experience when it becomes a permanent part of your children’s lives.

Some parents have their own offices or businesses, schools, farms, etc. where their children can get an opportunity to be trained. You are your children's number one teacher, mentor, and inspiration. Before they look at anyone else as a hero or a champion, before they look for role models, they should look at you first.

If a child does not feel comfortable working with you in your office/business, don’t force him/her. You can ask them what they would prefer. You can also place him/her in your trusted friend’s office, workshop, or business. The work experience a child gains during that period will one day make a difference.

Volunteerism can also focus on community service, where you involve your children in helping out with any work like caring for elderly people. They can fetch water, mop their houses, clean utensils, wash their clothes, etc. If you have one in your neighborhood, you can encourage the child to do it once a week or more. All this is about instilling a working attitude in your child beyond money and helping them learn how to work rather than sit at home.

There are a number of online courses that your child can enroll in during the remaining months. Different local and international universities and tertiary institutions offer short-term courses that can benefit your child in terms of personal development skills. You can also find free online courses on YouTube that your child can do. YouTube has a lot of educational videos that can transform your child this holiday. Ask him/her what s/he is interested in, and provide data and other requirements. There is no need for your child to remain idle when the best opportunities in the world are a click away on the gadgets in your house.

Take them on vocational trainings such as basic mechanics, driving schools, sports and games, music, computers, baking, etc. These skills were so incredibly valuable, especially during COVID-19 lockdowns. Every child in this current generation should have additional practical skills to equip them with a sense of innovation. Life should not be seen through one lens: academics. You can’t have a car at home, and your children don’t know how to drive at 18+ years old. Train them now, and they will value the sense of adulthood.

Monitor their activities. Your child is not old enough to be left completely independent. Be confident in knowing what they do on a daily basis, wherever they are. Give him/her a call throughout the day to greet and check on them. If you can do it for your spouse every day, why not make it a priority for your child too? Find out from their bosses or employers what and how they are doing. Once in a while, pay a visit and relate what they tell you to what you have physically observed. Do what is within your means to keep in touch for a better evaluation of your child’s progress. Control their unnecessary movements without your knowledge.

*The writer is a child advocate, parenting coach, marriage counselor and Founder- -Men of Purpose Mentorship program*

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Dickson Tumuramye is also a passionate speaker on:

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