The Hell of Homosexuality on our Children

By Dickson Tumuramye

Parents are at a crossroads with the vice of homosexuality becoming a daily talk locally and internationally. The LGBTIQ+ activists are not sleeping until their agenda is everywhere. Our schools and churches have been invaded by this dissolute act and there is a lot of anxiety among parents and children. The pressure to protect our children is tense.

It is very stressful to know that someone is deliberately targeting your son or daughter for LBGTIQ+. The cartoons our children are watching a show that a relationship between same-sex partners is okay. Unfortunately, parents never have time to watch such cartoons with their children in their homes. Children also innocently watch all the time not knowing that there is a hidden agenda to lure them into this practice. The books in our libraries are now with such content. 

These perpetrators are paying money to our vulnerable and desperate children. They look at this as the opportunity to earn a living and have a "lavish" life as they are promised cars, nice houses, and upkeep. All this comes at the expense of their lives and the consequence for many is unbearable.

Marriage according to the Bible is between a man and woman who are male and female as God created them (Genesis 1:27). He also blessed them and commanded them to produce, multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 1:28). In other words, the only way to reproduce is by having children among the opposite sexes. I, therefore, wonder when I hear the promoters of LGBTIQ say that they will adopt children. Are they going to adopt children born of a same-sex relationship? Were they themselves not born male and female?

If they are a result of birth by two opposite sexes, why do they advance to adopting other people’s children? If marriage between same-sex people is normal, why do they force it on our children? We need to know how to save our children from physical, economic, mental, and spiritual harm as they grow up.

As we talk about this, we should not pay attention to only children but even to married partners. It is very interesting to learn that there are married couples where one spouse is bisexual. You may be a female partner and have a male as your co-wife and competitor with your (male) husband but without your knowledge. You only think this man is my husband's best friend, a fellow man (and the reverse for men can be exact) but when actually this is not the case. Therefore, the problem in our society is more complex than we see it at face value. There are a lot of silent issues and promoters that we can’t imagine.

There is still hope if you show interest in calming down the situation as a parent and helping out your children and family members.

Talk about the influence of LGBTIQ+
Social and peer pressure among our children is strong and children may be waved off into this vice without their full knowledge. Your engagement in addressing such issues with them is vital. Keep talking about it in an age-appropriate manner. Be interested in learning what their teachers teach them. Find out if they have heard about homosexuality and their take on it. This will guide you on the information package to give them. Don’t be silent and think you will spoil your children by talking about it. These things are already known to most of them, but what is the source and what is your opinion on it?

Pray for your children and family
God promised us to be strong and courageous and challenged us not to be afraid or dismayed. He will never forsake us nor leave us alone like orphans (Deut. 31:6-8, John 14:18, Hebrews 13:5). Fear and anxiety without action may not help. But also there are things you can't do in your strength. The power of God and your faith in Him can move mountains and some things can’t go except by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:20-21). The God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19) is still the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Prepare them for marriage
Don’t be shy to tell your old children that true marriage is between a male and female not marriage between same-sex people. God made a wife for Adam from his rib and Adam called her Woman (Genesis 2:22-23, Matthew 19:4-6). Why did he not call her Man? Let them know that marriage according to God’s word was designed for companionship and co-creation. There is therefore no co-creation between same-sex partners. Guide them on the kind of potential partners to marry that are of the opposite sex, not the same sex. Take them through ways of finding a suitable partner of the opposite sex and the advantages against disadvantages of the same sex.

Address the consequences of homosexuality
Our children need to know the agenda homosexual perpetrators are advancing and the dire consequences. Some of the consequences especially in Uganda include social stigma and discrimination, sin before God, moral degeneration, cultural erosion, effects of fistula, STDs/HIV/AIDS, and mental health issues, among others. 

When someone tells me that they are transgender-you are neither a male nor a female, but your have a normal reproductive system clearly shows that you belong to one category, however, you live in denial of it!

Teach children the spirit of contentment
Most people are lured into homosexuality because of the things they are promised. These include monetary rewards, houses, scholarships to the western world, and football career rewards, among others. Such things look attractive to our children/family members. Remind them that there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12). Therefore, they should be content with what they have and what they work for in rightful ways rather than selling their bodies (1 Tim. 6:6, Hebrews 13:5). Their bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 6:19).

It's okay for me to go on and on, but all in all, a good life isn't imposed on anyone. As parents, we need to deal with a problem like this because LGBTQ+ want to change who they are, fight hard to defend their lifestyle, and are brainwashed into believing that they are like that.

The writer is a child advocate, parenting coach, marriage counselor, founder – Men of Purpose mentorship program.

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