Absent fathers should be brave enough to take responsibility for their children

By Dickson Tumuramye

Absentee fathers, who can also be referred to as fathers who are not actively involved in their children's lives, often leave a father-figure gap in their children’s lives. This leaves children to live like ‘orphans’ even when their fathers are still alive.

Absent fathers are those that much as they under the same roof as their children, they are not so concerned about how their children are. Some may provide all basic needs but never have time to interact with their children. Others stopped at either the time they impregnated the mothers or at birth or along the way to be active in their children’s lives. You know better how much you are active daily in your children’s lives or when you last interacted with them including their mother.

The absent fathers often face criticism and judgment from mothers, children, and society. Whatever reasons that forced you to be very absent, it is important to remember certain key points concerning your child(ren).

Craving for fatherly love, care and support

The absentee fathers should always remember that their children need them. Regardless of the circumstances that led to their absence, children crave the love, support, and guidance of their fathers. As a father, it is crucial to recognize the impact that your presence (or lack thereof) has on your children's emotional and psychological well-being.

 Rebuild a firm relationship with your children

It does not matter the reasons you separated especially with their mother or made you inactive in their lives, it is never too late to make amends and rebuild relationships with the children. While the damage caused by your absence may be significant, taking the initiative to reconnect with your children and actively participate in their lives can make a world of difference. It is never too late to show your children that you care and are committed to being there for them.

Parenting is a daily journey

Absentee fathers should remember that being a parent is a lifelong commitment. Even if they were not actively involved in their children's lives in the past, it is never too late to step up and fulfill their responsibilities as parents. Children need consistency, stability, and a sense of security, all of which can be provided by an involved and supportive father figure daily.

Prioritize your children

As the saying goes “Blood is thicker than water”, these children carry your DNA and whether you neglect them or not, that will never change. Absentee fathers should remember that their children are their priority and that their presence in their lives is invaluable. Your regular presence in their lives is greater than the presents you like to provide to them once in a while. That does not add up at all to them than seeing your face, playing with you, feeling that yes, daddy is always here with us or checks on us regularly.

Effective communication  

It may be hard for you to get close to the mother due to various reasons. For example, you may have separated or divorced the mother, or each is married to a different person now. This should not stop you from meeting with your child(ren). As a parent to this child(ren), make it possible to always meet the child. The mother and the stepfather if in existence should never deny a child an interaction with her/his father. As a father, you can also use other channels of communication to keep in touch with your children and always have one-on-one conversations either on the phone, physically, or by social media which has enhanced communication. When the child is talking to you, please listen and pay attention and always understand each other. Ensure there is no communication gap. Make an initiative to talk to them regularly.

Make appointments

Where it is not in your means to regularly stay with the child(ren), don’t stop meeting your responsibilities as a father to check on them. Make an appointment to meet and share. Some parents never want their partners to know that they have a child elsewhere. You can agree with the mother that you will be meeting the child every holiday, weekend, once a month, etc. If a child is old enough, you can also directly deal with him/her. Develop a schedule with either the child or the mother and agree on when and where to meet. But keep the interactions regular and keep in your child’s life. Let the child feel your father figure in his/her life. You can also plan for outings, dates, and travels among others so long as you are in close touch.

Know your role as a father

By all means, you are the father of this child. Whether you stay together or not, it is your primary responsibility and role to provide for this child in all aspects, not just only basic needs. Meet the social, emotional, physical, spiritual, medical, security, and economic needs of your child. Let your child be assured of all these and they should be very regular. Visit them at school and get involved in all they do. Attend their church presentations and other crucial activities they are involved in when you are informed. I promise you, your child will not miss you if you fulfill all this.

In all, by recognizing the importance of their role as fathers, taking the necessary steps to reconnect with their children, and committing to being actively involved in their upbringing, absentee fathers can make a positive impact on their children's lives and foster strong, healthy relationships. It is never too late to be the father that your children need and deserve.

The writer is the Executive Director of Hope Regeneration Africa, Parenting Coach, Marriage Counselor, and Founder – Men of Purpose Mentorship Program

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Dickson Tumuramye is also a passionate speaker on:

#Positive parenting

#Marriage and family

#Child counseling


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