Use words of affirmation with your children

By Dickson Tumuramye I assure you that it may not be your love language, but each of us will confirm that we all like to hear positive words about ourselves. No one likes negative words about them or can gladly take in every undesirable and sharp criticism. Words of affirmation are one of the five types of love language by Gary Chapman. But this is not where I am heading. I am just telling us that, yes, good affirmative and encouraging words bless each of us in different ways. They may come as an expression of appreciation, praise, encouragement, counsel, confirmation, and comfort, among others. You may receive such words depending on the situation at hand. Any time a nice word falls into your ears, there is a good heartbeat, and you feel happy and excited. God did not hide how he was well pleased with His son, Jesus Christ, "You are My beloved Son, in You, I am well-pleased and delighted!" (Mark 1:11, Matthew 12:8, 17:5, Isaiah 42:1). Therefore, it is not wrong to s...