Four Decades of Life: A story of Dreams, Resilience and Hope

Author: Prim K. Tumuramye Forty years sounded like a century back then. This year (Feb 5, 2024), I made four decades on earth and how grateful I feel. I am filled with gratitude for the journey so far trodden, through the different seasons of my life. Looking back, I can only be grateful. Born to and singlehandedly raised by a single mother, amidst great limitation yet unimaginable contentment, many a times the future looked bleak. Poverty, nowadays politely referred to as humble background robs one of choice. That is what defined my childhood. Yet, my mother dared to dream, against all odds. When ends refused to meet, mother put the chalk down, left a would be decent primary school teaching career, hitting the trenches as an amateur petty trader. Her life took another twist – mockery, lack and the hustles of searching for daily bread. And that is the life I would grow up into. Mother seemed never undeterred by the prevailing circumstances. She had a strange confidence that everyt...